Sunday, November 20, 2011

Four Patch Furrows

Sometimes it's hard to remember where you got the idea for a quilt, but I'm sure I didn't think of this all by myself!  We see such a lot of pictures of quilts in magazines and on the internet that, at times, it's almost impossible to give credit where it's due.  But somewhere I've seen a quilt that looked something like the one below, and I thank the person who thought of it.

I've been given a heap of 4" and 8" precut squares so I've used those, but I think it would look equally good (if not better!) if smaller units were to be used.  I'm probably biased about that because I do like a quilt with lots of little blocks.  This one was quite quick to make up though, and is destined for Sunshine Linus - I hope it makes a child happy!

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